Logo Design Contestants: Check Your Entries

As the May 31 deadline nears for the Hugo Awards Logo Contest, we are seeing an increase in entries that are not following the contest guidelines. Before submitting your entry, please read “How to Enter” and make sure that your entry includes all four of the following files:

  • Main Hugo Award Logo in JPG format
  • Main Hugo Award Logo in EPS format
  • Hugo Award Winner Logo in JPG format
  • Hugo Award Winner Logo in EPS format

And that your Entrant Information includes:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Postal address
  • Phone number
  • Email address

Each Entrant may submit not more than 3 Entries.

Remember to review the Submission Guidelines and Official Rules before you submit your entry. Although we will make an effort to help you clear up technical omissions, we cannot be responsible if your entry is incomplete or doesn’t meet our technical guidelines.

Logo Contest Deadline Nears

The deadline for submitting entries to the Hugo Awards Logo Contest is the end of the day (one minute after 2359 Pacific Daylight Time) on Sunday, May 31, 2009. We must receive your entry by then in order to consider it. If you have submitted an entry before May 23 and not yet received an acknowledgment from us confirming receipt, contact us at logocontest@thehugoawards.org and follow up on your entry to make sure we did receive it.

Hugo Voter Packet Expands

Anticipation has added additional material to the Hugo Voter Packet, which includes many of this year’s nominated works. The expanded package is a replacement for the previously announced package, so members of Anticipation can return to the 2009 Hugo page at their web site and download a new package, even if they previously have downloaded an earlier packet, using their membership number and password to access the packet.

John Scalzi has the list of newly-added material on his web site.

You must be a supporting or attending member of Anticipation to download the Hugo Voter Packet. If you are not a member, you can register online at their web site.

Hugo Award Voting Opens

Anticipation, the 67th World Science Fiction Convention, has released the ballot for the 2009 Hugo Awards. Members of Anticipation can vote online at the convention web site. Paper ballots are included in the convention’s latest progress report, which the convention recently mailed to members. You must be a supporting or attending member of Anticipation to vote. If you are not a member, you can buy a membership online.

The deadline for voting is midnight (2359hrs.) Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) July 3, 2009. All ballots, paper or electronic, must be in the administrator’s hands by that time.