Hugo Award Ceremony Live Coverage

You will be able to follow the 2010 Hugo Award Ceremony live from Melbourne using the window below.

Cheryl Morgan and Mur Lafferty will be on hand in the auditorium in Melbourne to introduce the show. Technology willing, Mary Robinette Kowal will join us from Dragon*Con. Kevin Standlee will be moderating your questions. We will also incorporate the official @Aussiecon4 Twitter feed.

The ceremony is due to start at 8:00pm Melbourne time. We may begin coverage slightly earlier, but both Cheryl and Mur have to be at the pre-ceremony reception where important details about the event are announced and nominees have to appear for photo shoots.

Please note that this coverage is text only. We are experimenting with audio and video, but this is the fastest way for us to get the results out to you. It is also more interactive.

Our thanks to Aussiecon 4, and to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, for helping make this possible.