Black Gate Announces Withdrawal; Hugo Ballot Frozen

On Sunday, April 19, Best Fanzine finalist Black Gate announced that they were withdrawing from consideration in the 2015 Hugo Awards. This announcement came after the deadline for withdrawing from the 2015 Hugo Award shortlist as announced by this year’s Hugo Awards Administrators. According to the Administrator in a statement quoted on File 770, “The ballot is indeed locked, and Black Gate will remain on the ballot.”

The ballot is already at the printer in anticipation of a mailing of Hugo Award Finalist and 2017 Worldcon Site Selection voting ballots planned in the near future.

The Administrators are considering the possibility of including a statement regarding Black Gate’s announcement on the online voting page when that page launches in the near future.

Address any questions about the administration of this year’s Hugo Awards to the 2015 Hugo Award Administrators, not to the Hugo Awards web site.