1945 Retro-Hugo and 2020 Hugo Award Trophy Designs Revealed

The trophies for the 1945 Retrospective Hugo Awards and 2020 Hugo Awards were unveiled as part of the CoNZealand opening ceremonies on 29 Jul 2020 (NZST)

1945 Retrospective Hugo Award Trophy designed by James Brown

2020 Hugo Award Trophy designed by John Flower

Click through the photos above to see the artists’ discussion about their designs as revealed during the CoNZealand opening ceremonies.

The 1945 Retrospective Hugo Awards and the Sir Julius Vogel Awards for New Zealand speculative fiction will be presented online at CoNZealand at 11:00, Thursday 30 Jul 2020 New Zealand Standard Time. This ceremony will be available live only to those members of CoNZealand attending online.

The 2020 Hugo Awards, Lodestar Award for Best YA Book, and Astounding Award for Best New Writer will be presented online at CoNZealand at 11:00, Saturday 1 Aug 2020 New Zealand Standard Time. The Ceremony will be streamed live online (no CoNZealand membership necessary) on The Fantasy Network.

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